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Female Pattern Hair Loss: A Lady’s Guide To Maintaining A Luscious Mane

We all want luscious hair. Our hair is our confidence booster, our helmet of protection and an outlet of expression for our style and personality. But what happens if you find that your hair is falling out? Female pattern hair loss is similar to the more common male pattern baldness in that it is a hereditary condition. This means that if your parents suffer from hair loss, you are more likely to inherit that gene.

What is female pattern hair loss?

Female pattern hair loss begins with a slowing down of the hair’s growth phase, meaning new hairs take longer to grow through. Hair follicles then begin to shrink, causing the hair that does grow back to be thinner and more prone to breakages.

female pattern hair loss stagesThere are three major categories of female pattern baldness:

  • Type 1: Minor thinning and receding hairline which starts around your parting
  • Type 2: A widening of your parting and moderate thinning
  • Type 3: Thinning on your whole head and bald patches at the top of your scalp

Whichever stage you are experiencing, there is a way to resolve your hair concerns and restore the thick and full mane of your dreams.

Causes for female pattern hair loss

Genetics play a huge part in female pattern baldness, but there are other reasons that can contribute hair loss. An endocrine disorder is one of those reasons.

Your endocrine system is tasked with producing and releasing hormones that control a large number of your bodily functions. However, a dysfunction with your endocrine system can affect hair growth, cycle, and density.

Another possible reason is a hormone-secreting tumour. The pituitary gland makes and releases hormones into your bloodstream, a tumour in this area can disrupt and alter your hormone levels which are important for regular hair growth function.

poor hair care habitsHowever, for the most part, hair loss experienced by women in Singapore is largely due to lifestyle practices. Habits such as smoking, tight hairstyles, excessive use of hair straighteners or curlers can all induce premature hair loss. What can you do to prevent this hair loss from worsening?

Female hair loss treatments and solutions

In treating hair loss for women, you are not alone. Many people find that over-the-counter remedies such as Minoxidil can be effective for them, but this works better for the early stages of hair loss.

Over-the-counter medications for hair loss

Solutions for hair loss can be easily purchased in a drugstore or pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription, but it is good to note that these hair loss treatments are more effective for earlier stages of hair loss.

1. Hair loss shampoos

Unlike our regular shampoos, medical-grade hair loss shampoos can be effective in treating mild hair loss, and not just focus on keeping on our hair clean. They work by unclogging the pores on your scalp which are preventing hair from growing, thus forming a more hospitable environment on your scalp for hair growth.

hair loss shampoo2. Minoxidil

Minoxidil is a drug that is FDA-approved to treat female hair loss. It works by stimulating the hair follicles to increase the growth cycle. With proper use, there can be significant improvement in reduction in hair loss and effective hair growth.

For more severe types of hair loss, women often turn to aesthetic treatments or surgery.

Non-surgical treatments for female hair loss

These treatments are often carried out by an aesthetic doctor or a trichologist, or hair loss expert, but do not require incisions, anaesthesia or downtime following the procedure. A recent development in medical procedures for hair loss include Illumia Medical’s Papilla Regenera Program.

1. Papilla Regenera Program

In collaboration with Papilla Haircare, the treatment plan involves removing weak and inactive micro-cell grafts from the scalp, which are then reactivated into pure concentrations before being re-introduced into the scalp to restore hair regeneration.

The program can address mild to severe hair loss stages, and patients find significant improvements in just 3 months*. Speak to our aesthetic doctor to learn more about the Papilla Regenera Program for your hair loss concerns.

medical hair regeneration treatment2. Laser or Light therapy

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), or red-light therapy, stimulates the hair follicles to incite hair growth. Based on clinical studies, some wavelengths of light can trigger hair regrowth by penetrating the skin, and when performed correctly, can deliver satisfactory outcomes within a few sessions.

A widely available non-invasive hair loss treatment, patients find that the treatment comfortable and rejuvenating for their scalp.

Surgical female hair loss treatment

If all other hair loss options have failed, or you just want to ensure guaranteed results from the start, you could look at a hair transplant surgery such as micro-grafting, slit grafting or punch grafting. These treatments are suitable for women suffering from severe female pattern hair loss, such as alopecia areata.

alopecia areata hair loss problemAll hair transplant treatments involve taking a portion of skin with good hair coverage from one area of the body, usually the lower back of the head. This piece is then cut into smaller segments that contain good hair follicles before transplanting them into the balding areas.

Hair transplants are an invasive and time-consuming procedure that requires anaesthesia and plenty of downtime to recover post-operation. Anywhere from 10 to 80% of the transplanted hair can grow back in approximately 3 to 4 months*.

Can I prevent hair loss at home?

If you are on the first step of your hair loss journey, you may want to first try at-home remedies before you invest in aesthetic or surgical treatments.

Massaging your head has shown to boost the circulation in the scalp, encouraging blood flow and bringing fresh, oxygenated and, most importantly, nutrient-rich blood to the hair follicles. This nourishes the roots and helps with hair growth and thickness.

Exfoliating the scalp is another good technique to practice if you are struggling with hair loss. It helps to reduce dandruff and clean out hair follicles that may have been blocked from excess oil or dead skin cells, allowing your hair to grow.

Additionally, adding more of the good stuff into your diet such as omega fatty acids from fish and ginseng can promote healthy hair from the inside. It goes without saying that what you feed into your body can ultimately affect your hair growth. Be sure to evaluate your diet and lifestyle habits to identify problem areas that could be preventing you from achieving your hair goals.

female hair goalsFight female pattern hair loss with the appropriate solutions

It is recommended to try at home or over-the-counter solutions but if no improvement can be seen after a few months, consider consulting an aesthetics doctor. Aesthetic doctors are well trained in dermatological conditions, including hair loss, and can help to determine the right treatment for you.

Schedule an appointment with our board-certified aesthetic doctor about your hair goals today.


*Results vary depending on the individual.

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